Terms of service

When you use one of the softwares that this team provides,
you are accepting these terms of service:


1- Bugs: We are not perfect, if you found a bug feel free to report it in our stickverse discord server, if it’s a payment bug, you will need proof that you paid
for what you wanted so we can give you that, if it’s a normal bug, like we said before, feel free to report it!.

2- Refunds: If you paid for something that works then you keep that and we keep
the money in change, if for some reason we delete an item and you use stickcoins or stickpoints to buy it we are sorry but for now there isn’t a refund system for that, but we will do that in the future, we want stickverse to be fair for our users.

3- Bans and punishments: If you get a punish for something we think you did,
you can feel free to appeal if you think we are wrong, but our word is final.

4- Copyright Content: The copyright content that is made from people (for example if someone uploads something in stickverse that haves copyright) then that’s not affiliated with us, if it’s something serious we will delete it and maybe give the user a punishment.

5- When you work with us: If you work for us and you get kicked from the team we still will be able to use the content you created.

6- Scams and reports: Please keep all the things that are related to stickverse
in the platform, don’t even buy stickcoins, stickpoints, items or accounts from other people or things like that, the only way we can try to help you is if you give
us proof of the scam and if it’s inside the platform, if it’s outside of the platform
then there is a small chance of us to help you.

Virus Communicator:

About this one, just please keep in mind that anything that happends to your computer when you run virus communicator is not our fault, we recommend to do execute the program in a virutal machine.